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Stomach Pain Specialist

GI Health -  - Gastroenterologist

GI Health

Gastroenterologists located in Lower Manhattan/Chinatown, New York, NY & Brooklyn, NY

Many issues can cause or contribute to stomach pain, and getting an accurate diagnosis is critical to relieving symptoms and preventing more serious issues. At GI Health in Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn, NY, Dr. Anthony Ng uses state-of-the-art techniques to diagnose stomach pain and treat it so patients can feel better and enjoy better health.

Stomach Pain Q & A

What causes stomach or abdominal pain?

There are many issues that can cause or contribute to stomach or abdominal pain. Because the gastrointestinal tract is interconnected, an issue that affects one portion of the GI tract can cause symptoms to occur elsewhere as well, which can make diagnosis problematic in some cases. Having an evaluation by a skilled and experienced gastroenterologist is the best way to determine the underlying cause so the most appropriate treatment can be provided to relieve symptoms and prevent complications. Some of the most common causes of abdominal pain include:

  • ulcers of the stomach or duodenum (small intestine)
  • hernia
  • acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
  • gallbladder disease or gallstones
  • infection
  • liver disease or dysfunction
  • pancreatic disease or dysfunction
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • inflammatory bowel disease
  • food allergies or sensitivities
  • appendicitis
  • urologic disease such as kidney stones
  • muscle or bone (rib) injury or disease
  • skin or neurologic conditions such as herpes zoster (Shingles)
  • cancer or benign growths

Chronic or recurrent pain, as well as acute and severe pain, should be evaluated right away to prevent serious problems from developing.

How is the cause of abdominal pain diagnosed?

That depends on the type of pain, its frequency, and other symptoms that may be present, such as fever, blood in the stool, vomiting or diarrhea, as well as the patient’s personal and family medical history. At GI Health, the diagnostic process always begins with thorough history taking and a physical exam. Diagnostic techniques used to evaluate stomach pain include diagnostic imaging X-Rays, CT scan, MRI, and ultrasound), upper endoscopy, colonoscopy, blood tests and stool samples. In some cases, tissue samples (biopsies) may also be taken during an upper endoscopy or colonoscopy to help identify the cause of pain and other symptoms. Breath tests can also be used to help diagnose issues like ulcers and food allergies or sensitivities.

How is stomach pain treated?

Treatment for stomach pain will depend on the underlying cause of symptoms and other factors. Some causes of pain like mild acid reflux or infections may be treated with medication, while other causes may require minimally invasive or other surgical procedures to correct. Some diseases like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) require long-term management using medications and lifestyle changes to keep symptoms under control. Each treatment plan will be carefully designed based on the specific needs of the individual patient, and for chronic conditions, ongoing monitoring may be used to ensure treatment stays on track and optimized for the patient’s evolving needs.

Insurances and Payment

Please call to inquire about our pricing if you do not have medical insurance. Payment Policy: Financial obligations are defined by an agreement between you and your insurance company. We are bound by law to collect them. If you have a Health Savings Account/Flexible Spending Account and we can not verify, we ask you to provide credit/debit card information or make an estimated payment. We take cash, credit card, and debit card. Thank you.

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