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GI Health -  - Gastroenterologist

GI Health

Gastroenterologists located in Lower Manhattan/Chinatown, New York, NY & Brooklyn, NY

Velacur Q & A

Velacur is a state-of-the-art innovation in assessing your liver health. Equipped with the latest S-WAVE technology, the handheld device offers 3D measurement at an accuracy similar to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and transient elastography– but much faster, more convenient, and provides you with maximal user comfort.

If you are suffering from liver disease, it is best to have your liver check-up regularly, and Velacur is one of your best choices. This powerful, non-invasive device can measure the amount of fat and the degree of stiffness in your liver, letting you “see and count” your liver health.

Undergoing a Velacur scan involves three easy steps: device activation, scan, and outcome. During the scan, you will be asked to lie down with your right hand behind your head. You will notice a pad at your back– this activation pad transmits waves and reflects your liver condition. Your provider will apply gels on your skin before placing the probe at your right lower rib area. You might feel slight pressure when the probe presses against your skin, but there will be no pain.

Usually, it takes around 5 to 10 minutes to finish the entire scan. All data is produced in real-time, and your provider can discuss the result with you on the spot. Based on the scan result, you can then receive customized advice and the most appropriate management plan to improve your liver condition.

Assess your liver health today! Call us at 212-431-4309 or visit our clinic to schedule a Velacur appointment.



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